Emotional intelligence, also called EQ, is the ability to be aware of and to manage emotions and relationships. It’s a pivotal factor in personal and professional success. IQ will get you in the door, but it is your EQ, your ability to connect with others and manage the emotions of yourself and others, that will determine how successful you are in life.

We have all worked with and listened to brilliant people. Some of them were great and… well, some were not so great. The mean and the meek and all those in between can teach us more than they realize. When we look at the truly extraordinary people who inspire and make a difference, participants will see that they do this by connecting with people at a personal and emotional level. What differentiated them was not their IQ but their EQ – their emotional intelligence. This one-day course will give participants the EQ edge.

Participants will learn to:
•  Understand what emotional intelligence means
•  Recognize how our emotional health and physical health are related
•  Learn techniques to understand, use, and appreciate the role of emotional intelligence in the workplace
•  Understand the different emotions and how to manage them
•  Create a personal vision statement
•  Understand the difference between optimism and pessimism
•  Validate emotions in others

Emotional Intelligence Workshop
An Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Your brain, thoughts, and behavior are at the core of everything that you do every day, even if you aren't aware of it. In order to truly achieve the results that you want to achieve, you must master the art of bringing your unconscious thoughts to the surface, so that you can have real choice over how you interact with and respond to the world. Neuro linguistic programming can give you the tools to do just that.
In this one-day introductory workshop, you will learn the basics of neuro linguistic programming.  We will give you the tools to manage your thoughts, and thereby manage yourself.
Critical Thinking Workshop
In today’s society, many people experience information overload. We are bombarded with messages to believe various ideas, purchase commodities, support causes, and lead our lifestyle in a particular way. How do you know what to believe? How do you separate the truth from the myths? The answer lies in critical thinking skills. The ability to clearly reason through problems and to present arguments in a logical, compelling way has become a key skill for survival in today’s world. This two-day workshop will give participants some practical tools and hands-on experience with critical thinking and problem solving. 

This two-day workshop will help you teach participants how to:
•  Define critical and non-critical thinking
•  Identify their critical thinking style(s), including areas of strength and improvement
•  Describe other thinking styles, including left/right brain thinking and whole-brain thinking
•  Work through the critical thinking process to build or analyze arguments
•  Develop and evaluate explanations
•  Improve key critical thinking skills, including active listening and questioning
•  Use analytical thought systems and creative thinking techniques
•  Prepare and present powerful arguments
Lean Process Improvement Workshop
Lean principles have come a long way over the past three hundred years. From Benjamin Franklin's early ideas, to Henry Ford's work in the 1920's and the Toyoda precepts in the 1930's, to Jeffery Liker's publication of The Toyota Way in 2004. Lean processes have evolved from a simple concept to a set of widely used best practices.
This two-day course will help you give participants the foundation to begin implementing Lean process improvement tools in their workplace. The first day will explore the foundations of Lean through the Toyota precepts and the five critical improvement concepts (value, waste, variation, complexity, and continuous improvement). The second day will give participants tools to perform continuous improvement in their organization, including 5S, 5W-2H, PDSA, DMAIC, Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu, and various Lean data mapping methods.

After this course, participants will be able to: 
•  Define Lean and its key terms
•  Describe the Toyota Production System and the TPS house
•  Describe the five critical improvement concepts
•  Use the Kano model to understand, describe, analyze, and improve value
•  Identify and reduce various types of waste
•  Create a plan for a more environmentally Lean organization
•  Use the PDSA and R-DMAIC-S models to plan, execute, and evaluate Lean changes
•  Use Lean thinking frameworks, including 5W-2H, Genchi Genbutsu and Gemba
•  Prepare for and complete a basic 5-S
•  Describe the key elements of Kaizen events, particularly a Kaizen blitz
•  Gather, analyze, and interpret data using flow charts, Ishikawa (fishbone) diagrams, SIPOC diagrams, and value stream maps
•  Go back to their organization with a plan to begin incorporating Lean into their corporate culture
No one questions that making friends is a good thing. In this workshop, participants are going to discover that the business of business is making friends, and the business of all sales professionals is making friends and building relationships. Strategic friendships will make or break any business, no matter how big and no matter what kind of market. The better you are at connecting with other people, the better the quality of your life.

Participants will learn to:
•    Discover the benefits of developing a support network of connections
•    Understand how building relationships can help you develop your business base
•    Learn how to truly like your acquaintances—not just pretend to
•    Identify the key elements in strong working relationships, and how you might  put more of these elements in your working relationships
•    Recognize the key interpersonal skills and practice using them
Building participant’s self-esteem is essential for confidence and success, and it all begins with them. Of all the judgments they make in life, none is as important as the one they make about their self. Without some measure of self-worth, life can be enormously painful. During this one-day workshop they will discover some simple techniques that dramatically change how they feel about their self. Participants will learn how to recognize the importance of learning self-acceptance and nurturing their sense of self.

Highlights of what participants will learn:
•  Learn how to create positive self-expectations;
•  Begin setting goals to get more of what they want from life;
•  Develop self-talk messages that help build self-esteem;
•  Identify communication tools to help them be more assertive;
•  Learn how to say no, and when no is the best answer;
•  Learn how to make a positive first impression;
•  Discover ways to connect with people.
Managers traditionally have had the task of contributing to the effectiveness of their organization while maintaining high morale. Today, these roles often have to be balanced off with the reality of implementing changes imposed by senior management. Managers who have an understanding of the dynamics of change are better equipped to analyze the factors at play in their own particular circumstances, and to adopt practical strategies to deal with resistance. This one-day workshop will help participants deal with change and will give them strategies to bring back to their employees.

Highlights of what participants will learn:
•  Accept that there are no normal or abnormal ways of reacting to change;
•  See change as an essential element that is positive;
•  Recognize that adapting to change is all about attitude;
•  Identify the stages of change we go through as we learn to deal with change;
•  See change as an opportunity for self-motivation and innovation;
•  Develop strategies for dealing with and accepting changes in their organization.

Change Management and How to Deal With It
Building Relationships for Success in Sales
Coach, Role Model, Counselor, Supporter, Guide...do these words ring a bell? Being a coach involves being a role model, sometimes a counselor or supporter, and always a guide. Coaching is based on a partnership that involves giving both support and challenging opportunities to employees. Knowing how and when to coach is an essential skill that can benefit both the participant and the organization. This one-day workshop will help them become a better coach in all senses of the word.

How You Will Benefit:

•  Understand how coaching can be used to develop their team;
•  Develop the coaching skills that help improve individual performance;
•  Demonstrate the behaviors and practices of an effective coach;
•  Recognize employees’ strengths and give them the feedback they need to succeed;
•  Identify employee problems and ways they can help to correct them.

Coaching:  A Leadership Skill
Building Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills
Diversity Training: Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace

About Diversity Training: Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace
In the past ten years, the workforce has changed dramatically. More than ever, a workplace is a diverse collection of individuals proud of who they are: their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion, their ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique. In order for the participants workplace to succeed, their employees must be able to appreciate and celebrate those differences.

Highlights of what participants will learn:

•  Understand what diversity and its related terms mean;
•  Be aware of how aware they are of diversity and where they can improve;
•  Understand how changes in the world have affected them and their view;
•  Be able to identify their stereotypes;
•  Understand what terms are politically correct and which are not, and why;
•  Be familiar with the four cornerstones of diversity;
•  Understand what the pitfalls are relating to diversity and understand how to avoid them;
•  Develop a technique for dealing with inappropriate behavior;
•  Develop a management style to encourage diversity;
•  Know what to do if them or one of their employees feels discriminated against.

We offer a number of Training and Workshops that can be customize to meet your orgnizations unique goals and needs.   Below are just a few of the workshop that we have offered.
YOUnique Coaching

(732) 888-8010
